Arianna (Praskins) Fourt – Pianist, singer, performer, accompanist, and pro musician in Phoenix, Arizona.
So who is Arianna (Praskins) Fourt? Well…first of all she is my (Tim Praskins) youngest daughter. She is also a wife of a very special guy and musician, busy mother of 4 beautiful children, and has a busy career including being a nurse, naturopathic advisor, and musician in Phoenix, Arizona. Arianna has been playing piano since she was 3 years old and taking piano lessons up through most of high school. When Arianna was just 12 years old she was already accompanying local college choirs as well as her high school choirs,,,that’s how good she became after taking years of lessons and practicing daily.

selected to represent her entire high school in a state wide “all-state” choir where only the top vocalists and music sight-readers from all high schools in Arizona could attend.
In the beginning when Arianna started taking lessons at a young age she really loved in and did her practice and a daily basis for a number of years as she advanced in her playing skills and understanding of music. But then as she entered middle school (Jr High) her ability to play piano and understand music started surpassing her piano teacher so we enrolled Arianna in lessons with a well known high level piano teacher that was known for teaching piano teachers new playing techniques and methods…he was that good.
In fact, Arianna became so good as a piano player and plays so many musical styles so well for her age that when she was a junior in high school she started working in a local music store in the sheet music department and one day a college age young man came in to purchase an instrument and Arianna was there to help him. From that point on a relationship developed and a couple years later she and that young man (Billy Fourt) were married and so that story continues today with all four of their children being quite musical with one of them taking violin and piano lessons and the others will follow with an instrument as they get older. If it wasn’t for their initial musical connection bringing them together at that store, their meeting and getting to know each other probably would never have happened, especially given the fact that even though they happened to live within the same general area, they were not part of the same “circle of friends,” went to different schools, and were different ages as well.
Arianna and her husband Billy own an acoustic Grand Piano as well as a couple digital pianos, keyboards, acoustic & electric guitars, a couple sets of drum kits (digital & acoustic) and some pro audio equipment as well. So when they’re not working in their “real jobs” or with their children, they are making music by sharing their musical talents with others or just relaxing by playing music for themselves when their children are not pulling on their sleeves asking for some attention:). Music is all about expressing yourself emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually no matter what age you are…at a very young age or a very old age.

an instrument and playing good music when young also promotes brain development in ways that impact a person’s learning ability, IQ, and overall skills which is carried through for the rest of a person’s life. Playing music also improves and sustains physical, mental, and spiritual well being at any age.
When you think of getting your kids into music and wonder if it’s the right move for them, my advice is…do not hesitate to give them that opportunity because no matter what, learning to play music will always bring rewards for the student and for the listener even if that student does not move on to advanced levels. It’s all about personal enjoyment, being around music, and doing something that is good for you. It may take more time for some piano students to learn to play as compared to other students because people just learn at different speeds and have different ways of learning things. Everyone is different but I know of few people who do not like music and wouldn’t want to express themselves on a music instrument…especially a good piano.
Take a look at a few videos below of my daughter playing piano and singing, and also of her husband Billy Fourt and his music. Hope you enjoy…
If you want more info on new digital pianos and LOWER PRICES than internet discounts, please email me at or call direct at 602-571-1864.