AZ Piano Reviews

  • Tim
  • Erik
AZ PIANO REVIEWS – The #1 Most Trusted Digital Piano Review & News Blog in the world! LOWER PRICES than Amazon and internet music stores! Free ship, no tax on most items. Don’t order anywhere until you check with Tim & Erik Praskins 1st! Email us at or call 602-571-1864
AZ PIANO REVIEWS – The #1 Most Trusted Digital Piano Review & News Blog in the world! LOWER PRICES than Amazon and internet music stores! Free ship, no tax on most items. Don’t order anywhere until you check with Tim & Erik Praskins 1st! Email us at or call 602-571-1864
The Best Digital Pianos & Best Prices
Learn how to get the Best Piano at the Best Price! FREE EXPERT DIGITAL PIANO ADVICE! For many, many years I have been a digital piano adviser to thousands of teachers, musicians, churches, schools, and families throughout the US & the world, as well as helping people everywhere find the right digital piano for their needs. I can tell you what the best digital pianos and best prices are for any given price range as long as you have determined approximately what you want to spend and what your musical goals are for you and/or your family. Perhaps the piano is for a child, teen, working adult, retired person, etc, and/or the beginning student wants to become an advanced player or just have recreational fun? Perhaps the piano is for a pro musician who wants to play it at gigs or special events and has specific requirements. Also, there are many churches these days looking for a digital piano that will fit their music needs and budget and I can give advice on that as well.

There are many reasons for wanting to play piano (personal satisfaction & enjoyment is #1) and I have more experience in this matter with digital pianos than nearly anyone in the US and many other parts of the world. I am a digital piano/keyboard expert, pro musician, song writer, composer, arranger, as well as having taught thousands of piano students through the years on digital & acoustic pianos. I  have an  experienced understanding of proper & necessary piano touch, tone, educational features, extra fun features, and overall brand quality and reliability in digital pianos. 

I am not a salesperson, but an adviser and consultant to people throughout the US and the world when it comes to the best digital pianos and best prices in various price ranges. I know what discount prices these pianos should sell for in the US market and also how to get lower prices than regular internet discounts and special store sales in the US.

Casio piano

I can also tell you which brands to stay away from based on my experience with them as well as their reliability and construction. Many of these pianos can and do start looking similar after a while when you’re doing a lot of shopping & research, even though these pianos may be very different on the inside. If you want a digital piano that not only looks good, but actually behaves like an acoustic piano with realistic tone and key action movement (which is important), then you need to do your homework and contact me as I will be happy to help you and answer your questions.

I do not have a piano store, a warehouse, or any other local retail establishment. But I know how to help get you brand new digital pianos for less money along with free educational & fun materials in many cases. I do this because I care and want to see people experience the benefits of music like I have including my family and friends. Playing music (especially piano) is one of the most rewarding things a person can do for better mental, physical, and spiritual health as part of a more active and disciplined lifestyle from 3 years old up to older “kids” over 90 years old! I have even seen it with my kids and two of them have become very advanced piano players and piano teachers themselves.

piano teacherI have worked with “at risk kids” who need a quality personal outlet for expression and personal growth and there is almost nothing better than music participation when it comes to instilling a positive attitude and direction in the lives of kids. The same is certainly true for people of any age. I have worked with seniors and helped them achieve their personal music goals and am very rewarded when they can look at playing music as a great way to unwind and relax…and that’s something all of us can use!
salesguyDon’t be confused by biased or uninformed talk you sometimes get from local piano & music stores or on-line web site stores. I am available to help if you just email me your questions or call me direct (continental US residents only). Roland, Kawai, Korg, Casio, Yamaha, Kurzweil, and a few other brands make some very nice digital pianos, but you want to be sure you get the right one along with a low price. I will do my best to get back to you quickly with the help you need to make an informed decision on your piano buying options out there in the marketplace including eBay & Amazon. I do all this to help people because I know the joy that playing music can bring to families of all kinds. So be sure you contact me before you make a purchase anywhere as I can normally save you a lot of money over eBay and Amazon pricing on the top name digital pianos!

If you want more piano info and LOWER PRICES than internet or store discounts, please email me at or call direct at 602-571-1864.

Want More Information? Search other posts using these Labels: - 2021 pianos, Best Buys, Casio, Casio PX870, digital pianos, Kawai, low price, reviews, what to buy

0 Responses

  1. The Axus D2 is not available in the US and I have not played it. Based on its digital specs with it having just 64 note polyphony and some of the other things it does, I would suspect this is a lesser quality no-name piano made in China just like Suzuki, Adagio, and other similar pianos in the US and other countries. The key action and how it behaves including the electronics in the key action are of primary importance in a piano. This piano may do this well or may not be good. Until I get a chance to play it I would not be able to say for sure. I don't trust piano owner reviewers and their comments/reviews because I have found many of them in the past to be unreliable and uninformed. I would just say…be careful what you buy especially a no-name brand from an unnamed factory.

  2. I have seen the Casio AP420 on sale at $700. I wanted one however none of the stores of that chain had any left.
    I was wondering if we take this price for the AP420 what would be equivalent deals for the following models: PX450; RX750;RX780;AP640?

  3. The Casio AP420 is a discontinued model for about 1 year. The new improved piano sound, key action, and pedal response of the new "50" series is far superior to the AP420

  4. Please advice: I am an advanced player and my son is a beginner. Looking for a good digital piano that will be as close as to a real one and will have all the useful features as my son likes to experiment and use different styles, instrument sounds.. After a research I stopped at Casio px 850 or Yamaha ydp 181. The money is not an issue. The most important to make a right choice for us both. Please advice . Or maybe there's out there better ones that u can recommend.
    Thank u

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